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our new online ordering system

Tap into food and drinks with service straight to your seat from your mobile.

The cinema experience you know and love just got a whole lot more exciting, with our new service to seat online ordering system. You can now place an order from our chef-prepared menu directly to your seat from your very own mobile device. Luxury service, simply at the tip of your fingers.

We welcome you to kick back, relax, and your only decision is what to indulge in!



try it now

It's so simple

1. BOOK YOUR TICKETS Simply book your tickets to Boutique
2. ORDER YOUR FOOD ONLINE Prior to your session you will receive an email when the KITCHEN IS OPEN with instructions on how to order food and drinks through your own mobile device. Here you can select your order preferences on when it arrives during the movie.
3. YOUR FOOD ORDER IS DELIVERED Your food and drinks will be delivered directly to your seat by our friendly team members during your session, as per your requested order preferences. You will also be able to continue ordering food and drinks throughout the movie by using your own mobile.

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