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Kantara Hindi

Kantara Hindi M

Violence, offensive language & content that may disturb
Set in the fictional village of Dakshina Kannada, Kantara is a visual grandeur that brings alive the traditional culture of Kambla and Bhootha Kola. It is believed that Demigods are the guardians and their energies encircle the village. In the story, there is a ripple when a battle of ego swirls along the tradition and culture of the land. The soul of the story is on human and nature conflict in which Shiva is the rebellion and works against nature. There are intense conflicts he indulges in. In the end, a much-awaiting loop leads to war between the villagers and the evil forces. Will Shiva, the protagonist of the film be able to reinstate peace and harmony in the village by perceiving his existence?
Release Date:


Running Time:

148 mins


Rishab Shetty


Sapthami Gowda, Rishab Shetty, Pramod Shetty

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