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IMAX with Laser is the most innovative movie-going experience in the world, and it’s exclusively available here on New Zealand’s biggest screens at EVENT Cinemas Queen Street and Queensgate.

Sharper Images

Seeing really is believing when it comes to IMAX with Laser. Using precision laser technology, it creates the sharpest, brightest & clearest digital images that will take your breath away.

Powerful, Immersive Sound

Incredible for any movie & astonishing in 3D, you will be transported into a widescreen world of stunning vivid colour, with state-of-the-art multi-speaker surround sound, that will make every movie feel like magic!

A World of Difference

Created to transport audiences into today’s biggest blockbusters, IMAX with Laser delivers stunning images and heart-pounding audio on the biggest screens for the world’s most immersive cinematic experience yet.
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