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Lootcase M

Nandan Kumar, a middle-class​ family man finds a suitcase with ₹ 10 Crores in a lonely desolate market - on the way back from his night shift. However, he hides it from his morally upright wife Lata and his little son Ayush, whom he dearly loves and wouldn’t trade for anything. Nandan works as a supervisor in a printing press. He pays rent, takes the train and sometimes, bites his tongue and even works the night shift. He now believes the suitcase is the divine answer to all his lower-middle-class problems. He starts talking to the suitcase - as if it were his long-lost pal. In the meanwhile, the suitcase’s dark past catches up with him. With absolutely no special skills or talent, the common man has to make a choice: does he fight or does he take flight for survival?
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Running Time:

132 mins

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