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Puaada M

Puaada (Conflict) revolves around a lovable & exuberant man from Punjab, Jaggi (Ammy Virk) & the mesmerising girl next door, Raunak (Sonam Bajwa). Jaggi is a farmer & supplies dairy to every family in his hometown. One such family is of Raunak’s whose father is an Air Force Officer. Jaggi & Raunak are in a relationship and decide to confess their love to their parents but Raunaks father disapproves of their relationship as he wanted a groom to be educated and be in the armed forces like him. He eventually agrees to meet Jaggi & his family but the twist in the tale comes when Jaggi pulls away unexpectedly. This results to a conflict within the families often leading to hilarious situations. A comedy of errors, Puaada is a complete family entertainer, where Jaggi and Raunak must rise above all to save their relationship.
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Running Time:

129 mins

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